
Monday, 30 May 2011

10 minute beauty

To be honest, when i get ready to go out it takes me longer than it does to actually go out! But there's one thing that saves me the most amount of time when i do my makeup; my beauty bag! I couldn't live without it because every single item in it is worth having! I have a big drawer full of beauty products that i mostly don't use, and i'm sure that you do too! So here's whats in my beauty bag:

       This bronzer from The Body Shop is absolutley fantastic.It gives you that natrual tan look that blends in with your skin tone really well and it feels light on your skin. It covers redness and spots easily without damaging them and overall gives you the perfect glow. I've had it for a couple of years and although that seems gross ive used it every single day it has only faded slightly! It's a great investment buy!
 To go with your bronzer/blush you need a brush and i say the bigger the better. This one is the closest to mine as i could find. It's great and small so it doesn't take up too much room in your makeup bag yet the brush it big so it's good value. The shape of this one is great because i find that the ends are less likely to split.
 This waterproof eyeliner from maybeline Khol Express is very hard wearing and effective. It can give you a thin light line or thick and dark depending on the pressure you use with it. It hasn't clumped up like my previous eyeliners, it's not messy, and it feels gentle on your skin.
 I'm a great fan of the No.7 makup range because i find it reliable and effective. This intense volume mascara is dark black and therefore gives me long lushious lashes within two strokes of its brush.

 Barry M is a great favourite of mine also, but i usually go for natrual coloured makeup so it's a treat to have bright nails instead. My favourite out of this pack is the mint green, and you can contrast by painting each nail seperate colours since they all work well together!
Now, this No.7 eye compact is a legend. It has three compartments with lipgloss, eye shadows, a mirror and brushes. There are so many different colours to choose from it's a real investment. I find myself using the peach colour most often because it's a fantastic natrual colour.
Foundation is everybodies guilty pleasure, a good foundation hides spots and redness without it appearing too obvious by blending in with your skin tone. This No.7 essentially natrual mineral foundation comes in a range of skin tones and rarely clumps on your face. It's great at covering redess and i often use it to hide baggy eyes if i'm quite tired.
I hope you liked looking through my beauty bag, new updates soon x

1 comment:

  1. great post lizzie! i have some Barry M nail polish, but i think it is the bad stuff they give away in magazines!!
